PyNeuraLogic Language

The main feature of the PyNeuraLogic library is its custom declarative language (based on NeuraLogic) for describing the structure of the learning problems, data and models. In PyNeuraLogic, the language is fully embedded in Python, enabling users to utilize Python’s convenient modules and features.

The idea of using a custom language (following the logic programming paradigm) instead of the predefined modules, as common in popular frameworks, is to achieve higher expressiveness, reduce the complexity of writing novel model architectures, and reveal the underlying relational principles of the models.

This section introduces users to the language’s basic syntax, which is essential for understanding concepts presented in other sections and using the library to its full potential.


Relations are fundamental building blocks of the PyNeuraLogic language. Each instance of a relation consists of four parts - predicate name, an arbitrary number of terms, optional weight (or value), and optional modifier. Predicate name, together with the “arity” (number of terms) the relation forms its unique signature.

Relation structure

Relations are created via object Relation that can be imported from neuralogic.core.


You can also create relations via R object, which is a shortcut of Relation.

Predicate name

Predicates serve as a descriptive name for the relations. Predicate names are case-sensitive and have to start with a lower-case letter. Usually, relations with specific predicate names are created directly via Relation object (e.g., Relation.my_rel creates a relation with the predicate name my_rel). For convenience, we can also use the Relation.get method (e.g., Relation.get("my_rel")), which can be useful for generating relations.

from neuralogic.core import Relation

Relation.my_rel  # Relation with a predicate name "my_rel"

for i in range(5):
    # Relations with predicate names "my_rel_0", ..., "my_rel_4"


Prepending the predicate name with an underscore (_) will make the relation “hidden” (e.g., Relation.hidden.my_rel is equal to Relation._my_rel). You can read more about modifiers, such as “hidden”, in the Modifiers section.


Terms are an optional list of constants and/or logic variables.

  • Constants are either numeric values (floats, integers) or string values with a lower-cased first letter. We can also define a constant via neuralogic.core.Term, which converts the provided value into a valid constant (string) for us.

from neuralogic.core import Term, Relation

Relation.my_rel  # A relation with NO terms, also called a "proposition" in logic
Relation.my_rel(1.0)  # A relation with one constant term 1.0
Relation.my_rel(Term.my_term, "string_term")  # A relation with two constant terms "my_term" and "string_term"
Relation.my_rel(1.0, Term.My_Term)   # A relation with two constant terms 1.0 and "my_term"
  • Variables are capitalized string values. We can, similarly to constants, utilize helper neuralogic.core.Var, which converts the provided value into a valid variable (string) for us.

from neuralogic.core import Var, Relation

Relation.my_rel(Var.X)  # A relation with one variable "X"
Relation.my_rel(Var.x, "Y")  # A relation with two variable terms "X" and "Y"

Relations with logical variables express general patterns, which is essential for encoding deep relational models, such as GNNs.


We call relation “ground” if all of its terms are constants (no variables). These are essentially specific (logical) statements, or facts, commonly used to encode the data and particular observations.


On top of classic relational logic programming, in PyNeuraLogic, the relations can be additionally associated with weights. A relation’s weight is optional and servers as a learnable parameter. The weight itself can be defined in the following ways:

  • Scalar value defining a learnable scalar parameter initialized to a specific value.

Relation.my_rel[0.5]  # Scalar weight initialized to 0.5
  • Vector value defining a learnable vector parameter initialized to a specific value.

Relation.my_rel[[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]]  # Vector weight initialized to [1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  • Matrix value defining a learnable matrix parameter initialized to a specific value.

Relation.my_rel[[[1, 0], [0, 1]]]  # Matrix weight initialized to [[1, 0], [0, 1]]


Matrix and vector values can also be in the form of NumPy arrays.

Instead of defining particular values for the parameters, we can also choose to specify merely the dimensionality of it instead. Here, each element of the parameter represents the size of the corresponding dimension. The initialization of the values in this case is sampled from a distribution determined by the Settings object.

Relation.my_rel[2,]  # Specification of a randomly initialized weight vector of length 2
Relation.my_rel[3, 3]  # Specification of a randomly initialized 3x3 weight matrix


Notice the difference between Relation.my_rel[2] and Relation.my_rel[2,] where the first one represents a particular scalar weight with value “2”, while the latter represents a randomly initialized weight vector of length 2.

Named Weights

Weight sharing is at the heart of modelling with PyNeuraLogic, where all the (ground) instances of a relation will share its associated parameters. However, you can also choose to share a single weight across multiple relations. This can be achieved by labeling the weight with some name, such as:

# Sharing a weight (2x2 matrix weight)
Relation.my_rel["shared_weight": 2, 2]
Relation.another_rel["shared_weight": 2, 2]

# Sharing a weight (vector weight)
Relation.my_rel["my_weight": 2,]
Relation.another_rel["my_weight": 2]


Predicate names are generally arbitrary, with no particular meaning other than the user-defined one. However, by including a modifier in the definition of a relation, we may utilize some of the extra pre-defined predicates with special built-in functionality.

More about individual modifiers can be read in Modifiers.


Relation.h <= (Relation.b_one, Relation.b_n)

Rules are the core concept in PyNeuraLogic for describing the architectures of the models by defining templates for their computational graphs. Each rule consists of two parts - the head and the body. The head is an arbitrary relation followed by an implication (<=) and subsequently the body formed from a tuple of n relations.

When there is only one relation in the body, we can omit the tuple and insert the relation directly.

Relation.h <= Relation.b

Such a rule can be then read as “The relation (proposition) ‘h’ is implied by the relation (proposition) ‘b’”


The rules have some (default) properties that influence their translation into the computational graphs (models), such as transformation and aggregation functions. These properties can be modified, per rule, by attaching a Metadata instance to the rule.

from neuralogic.core import Metadata, Transformation, Aggregation

(Relation.h <= (Relation.b_one, Relation.b_n)) | Metadata(transformation=Transformation.RELU, aggregation=Aggregation.AVG)

# or, for short, just
(Relation.h <= (Relation.b_one, Relation.b_n)) | [Transformation.RELU, Aggregation.AVG]

For example, with the construct above, we created a new rule with a specified transformation function (relu) and aggregation function (avg).